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> Okruzno Iz Fizike 2008, omg omg

post Apr 11 2008, 02:07 PM
Post #281

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-February 07
From: Cambridge, UK
Member No.: 424
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Nikola Mrksic
Škola/Razred: Trinity College, Cambridge 2014

Omg, znaci Novi Sad, do jaja, samo da idemo u petak da ne seru ko za inf u osmom da idemo ujutru

All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost.
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I've gone beyond the truth... It's just another lie.
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post Apr 11 2008, 02:10 PM
Post #282

Group: Članovi
Joined: 25-February 07
From: Šupak kosmosa
Member No.: 454
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG-IIId

Ali tad je sve bilo u jednom danu, valjda ce za fiziku da bude dodela u nedelju. Ono je bilo bas smor u osmom, tamo i nazad za jedan dan.

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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Apr 11 2008, 04:46 PM
Post #283

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Eh. Meni nisy hteli da plate smeshtaj proshle godine jer je repyblichko za osnowce bilo y Trsteniky, a to je kobajagi preblizy rolleyes.gif . Tako da je ceo grad imao smeshtaj osim mene, a samo sam ja neshto yradila XD.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Apr 11 2008, 04:59 PM
Post #284

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-February 07
From: Cambridge, UK
Member No.: 424
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Nikola Mrksic
Škola/Razred: Trinity College, Cambridge 2014

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Apr 11 2008, 04:46 PM)
Eh. Meni nisy hteli da plate smeshtaj proshle godine jer je repyblichko za osnowce bilo y Trsteniky, a to je kobajagi preblizy rolleyes.gif . Tako da je ceo grad imao smeshtaj osim mene, a samo sam ja neshto yradila XD.gif

A odakle si ti ?

All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost.
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I've gone beyond the truth... It's just another lie.
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Apr 11 2008, 05:02 PM
Post #285

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Central Serbia tongue.gif. Ne bih da otkriwam swoj tajni identitet ph34r.gif Pisala sam weliki broj kompromityjytjih postowa biggrin.gif
I'll send u pm smile.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Apr 11 2008, 05:17 PM
Post #286

Deus Ex Makina
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Group: Administratori
Joined: 25-January 06
From: Beograd
Member No.: 2
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: RAF

Poziv po clanu 16. znaci da je taj ucenik imao nagradu na republickom u protekle dve godine i da mu malo fali za prolaz ove godine - nema veze sa skolom domacina...

Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Apr 11 2008, 05:22 PM
Post #287

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Pa kako bilo.... Oni idu XD.gif. MIslim da ne pishe "po chlany 16"

user posted image
Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Apr 11 2008, 05:25 PM
Post #288

Group: Članovi
Joined: 26-December 07
Member No.: 825
Status: Bivši učenik MGa

I ako idu pa sta? Ako su dovoljno dobri onda i zasluzuju da idu i onda ce osvojiti bar pohvalu, ako nisu onda im je svedno.
Evo sta je bilo prosle godine u 7. razredu:

Није позван на такмичење, иако је упутио молбу. На такмичење ушао на превару, на место ученика
из Јагодине, који је одустао од такмичења.

Лука Милошевић Рада Миљковић Јагодина Драгослав Деспотовић 18

Резултат је набољи показатељ неоправданих амбиција колеге Деспотовића.

Poenta je da ako neko ne zna onda je svedno da li ce ici ili ne na drzavno.

"It's a known fact... math is the spawn of satan. Algebra? SATANIC! Pre-cal? SATANIC! Calculus? SATANIC! it is all horrible!"
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Apr 11 2008, 05:27 PM
Post #289

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Slazhem se. Ne bynim se ja shto idy. Mislim da je i fer. To bi bilo kao kad bih se sad bynila shto na mgf-y postoji zashtitjen forym.

E, jel zna neko mail Natashe Chalykowitj?

user posted image
Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Apr 11 2008, 05:35 PM
Post #290

Deus Ex Makina
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Group: Administratori
Joined: 25-January 06
From: Beograd
Member No.: 2
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: RAF

Razredna mi je dve i po godine, a ja ne znam ni da li ima mail laugh.gif Sta ce ti uopste? huh.gif

Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Apr 11 2008, 05:39 PM
Post #291

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Onako. Swejedno, nashla sam malochas na sajtu rachunarske biggrin.gif

user posted image
Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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+Quote Post
post Apr 11 2008, 08:15 PM
Post #292

Group: Članovi
Joined: 11-November 07
Member No.: 757
Status: Van MGa

QUOTE(pyost @ Apr 11 2008, 05:17 PM)
Poziv po clanu 16. znaci da je taj ucenik imao nagradu na republickom u protekle dve godine i da mu malo fali za prolaz ove godine - nema veze sa skolom domacina...

Očigledno Mićo nije precizirao da se radi o članu 18:
Члан 18
Због додатне ангажованости наставника физике у организацији такмичења у некој школи и смањене могућности припреме ученика за такмичење, на такмичења на свим нивоима могу бити позвани и ученици:
- из школе-домаћина такмичења
- из школе домаћина претходног нивоа такмичења
Овако позвани ученици не смеју да смањују број ученика који би на такмичење били позвани према постигнутом успеху. Њихов број одређује председник комисије одговарајућег такмичења.
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+Quote Post
post Apr 11 2008, 08:35 PM
Post #293

Group: Članovi
Joined: 7-August 07
Member No.: 612
Ime i prezime: Cedomir Radinac

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Apr 11 2008, 05:22 PM)
Pa kako bilo.... Oni idu XD.gif. MIslim da ne pishe "po chlany 16"

Ima i "nekih" koji idu po osnovu "Олимпијада Србије". wink.gif

Mića, upravo ažurira sajt. Ne mogu da učitam ništa, ali najavio je izmene vezane za republičko.

Промена термина републичког такмичења - детаљније на одговарајућој страници

"True friends stab you in the front."
Oscar Wilde
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post Apr 11 2008, 08:36 PM
Post #294

Deus Ex Makina
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Group: Administratori
Joined: 25-January 06
From: Beograd
Member No.: 2
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: RAF

Mogao bi da azurira listu onih koji su poslali molbu sleep.gif

Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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+Quote Post
post Apr 11 2008, 08:48 PM
Post #295

Deus Ex Makina
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Group: Administratori
Joined: 25-January 06
From: Beograd
Member No.: 2
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: RAF

46. Р Е П У Б Л И Ч К О Т А К М И Ч Е Њ Е И З Ф И З И К Е

ученика средњих школа

биће одржано у ПЕТАК и СУБОТУ 9. и 10. маја 2008. године

у гимлазији "Јован Јовановић Змај" у Новом Саду


Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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+Quote Post
post Apr 11 2008, 08:57 PM
Post #296

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-February 07
From: Cambridge, UK
Member No.: 424
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Nikola Mrksic
Škola/Razred: Trinity College, Cambridge 2014

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Apr 11 2008, 05:27 PM)
Slazhem se. Ne bynim se ja shto idy. Mislim da je i fer. To bi bilo kao kad bih  se sad bynila shto na mgf-y postoji zashtitjen forym.

E, jel zna neko mail Natashe Chalykowitj?

Lol, sta ce ti njen mail biggrin.gif

QUOTE(pyost @ Apr 11 2008, 08:48 PM)
46. Р Е П У Б Л И Ч К О  Т А К М И Ч Е Њ Е  И З  Ф И З И К Е

ученика средњих школа

биће одржано у ПЕТАК и СУБОТУ 9. и 10. маја 2008. године

у гимлазији "Јован Јовановић Змај" у Новом Саду



biggrin.gif , bolje od ovoga ne moze, samo da idemo od petka do nedelje smile.gif

All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost.
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I've gone beyond the truth... It's just another lie.
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+Quote Post
post Apr 11 2008, 09:27 PM
Post #297

Group: Članovi
Joined: 4-April 07
From: Cambridge, MA, USA
Member No.: 491
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: MIT junior, RAF alumna, Grobarska alumna

Ta osoba koja je imala razlog "Olimpijada Srbije" je ja mislim 1. godina pa je ucestvovala na izbornom za osnovce sto implicira da je republicko dobro uradjeno smile.gif
Woohoooo Novi Sad biggrin.gif
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post Apr 11 2008, 09:52 PM
Post #298

Deus Ex Makina
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Group: Administratori
Joined: 25-January 06
From: Beograd
Member No.: 2
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: RAF

Moju molbu i dalje niko ne registruje dry.gif


Sad mi je vec lakse biggrin.gif Now we wait...

Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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+Quote Post
post Apr 11 2008, 11:04 PM
Post #299

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-February 07
From: Cambridge, UK
Member No.: 424
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Nikola Mrksic
Škola/Razred: Trinity College, Cambridge 2014

Kakvu molbu ?

All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost.
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I've gone beyond the truth... It's just another lie.
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+Quote Post
post Apr 11 2008, 11:07 PM
Post #300

Deus Ex Makina
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Group: Administratori
Joined: 25-January 06
From: Beograd
Member No.: 2
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: RAF

Za poziv na rep...

Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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