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> Koliko Bodova Iz Osnovne Skole

post Jul 15 2008, 05:56 PM
Post #21

Group: Članovi
Joined: 26-December 07
Member No.: 825
Status: Bivši učenik MGa

Hmm da li je ta poruka imala neko skriveno znacenje XD.gif? Tipa "Ovaj iznad nije normalan"? XD.gif

"It's a known fact... math is the spawn of satan. Algebra? SATANIC! Pre-cal? SATANIC! Calculus? SATANIC! it is all horrible!"
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post Jul 15 2008, 05:58 PM
Post #22

Group: Članovi
Joined: 25-February 07
From: Šupak kosmosa
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Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG-IIId

Ko razume shvatice, ko shvati razumece.

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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 16 2008, 08:14 AM
Post #23

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
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Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Ma, Wolfbrother, uklapash se 200% smile.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 16 2008, 07:56 PM
Post #24

Njeno Ljubičanstvo

Group: Članovi
Joined: 7-September 06
Member No.: 92
Status: Bivši učenik MGa

Pa zna slovenatz kakvi se ljudi stavljaju u D.. XD.gif
Ipak je i on.. clan.. tako nesto..
Imala sam priliku da blize upoznam ucenika iz D.. TUZNO!! Tuzno Misko, TUZNO! XD.gif.. sad.gif XD.gif JK tongue.gif :*

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post Jul 17 2008, 12:39 AM
Post #25

Group: Članovi
Joined: 8-June 08
From: Beograd
Member No.: 1.066
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Kristina Radojević
Škola/Razred: I beogradska gimnazija III/5

Nisam znala da vam tako malo treba da se raspricate:D E samo jos jedno pitanje pa vi nastavite da raspravljate o D-ovcima. Ova Ognjanoviceva zbirka sadrzi zadatke slicne onima koji ce biti na prijemnom ili je fora kao kod kvalifikacionog? Mislim samo mi malo jos pojasnite izgled te zbirke

''Manifesta haud indigent probatione''
(Za ono sto je jasno dokazivanje nije potrebno) XD
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post Jul 17 2008, 09:21 AM
Post #26

Deus Ex Makina
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Svake godine se smislja novih 12 zadataka za prijemni (koliko god je to moguce) - u toj zbirci se nalaze stari prijemni, kao i zadaci te tezine iz raznih oblasti. Dakle, stvar nije u bubanju zadataka, vec razumevanju istih XD.gif

Ovo sve, doduse, pricam napamet, posto ne mogu da nadjem svoju zbirku huh.gif

Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 17 2008, 01:12 PM
Post #27

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Omg kad se setim da sam stvarno vezhbala za taj prijemni... sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif crybaby.gif crybaby.gif crybaby.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 17 2008, 01:53 PM
Post #28

Group: Članovi
Joined: 8-June 08
From: Beograd
Member No.: 1.066
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Kristina Radojević
Škola/Razred: I beogradska gimnazija III/5

Ok ja i ovako i da su isti ne bih mogla da ih naucim napamet. Hi hi nemam ja bas toliku moc pamcenja to jest bubanja napamet. A i nije poenta u tome.

''Manifesta haud indigent probatione''
(Za ono sto je jasno dokazivanje nije potrebno) XD
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 17 2008, 01:59 PM
Post #29

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

QUOTE(dadkristy94 @ Jul 17 2008, 02:53 PM)
Ok  ja i ovako i da su isti ne bih mogla da ih naucim napamet. Hi hi nemam ja bas toliku moc pamcenja to jest bubanja napamet. A i nije poenta u tome.

Iz toga bi proizashlo da si gluplja od polovine mog odeljenja, koje je doslovce nabubalo obe zbirke ph34r.gif , shto naravno ne mozhe biti tachno biggrin.gif zato cuti i bubaj XD.gif. Zezam se! Ja sam jednom (pred zadnji chas biologije) pokushala da nauchim napamet lekciju o gljivama repujuci XD.gif i zaboravila sam je do ujutru. Ne ide to nama prirodnjacima wink.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 25 2008, 04:32 PM
Post #30

Group: Članovi
Joined: 11-January 08
Member No.: 846
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: IV B

QUOTE(dadkristy94 @ Jul 17 2008, 02:53 PM)
Ok  ja i ovako i da su isti ne bih mogla da ih naucim napamet. Hi hi nemam ja bas toliku moc pamcenja to jest bubanja napamet. A i nije poenta u tome.

pa zadaci se ne ponavljaju iz zbirke, ali nekih 10 od njih su na istu foru kao neki iz zbirke, ostala 2 nikad videla...ma samo opusteno...imas vremena....razmisljaj o tome tek u drugom polugodistu 8 razreda...
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post Jul 28 2008, 08:53 PM
Post #31

Group: Članovi
Joined: 8-June 08
From: Beograd
Member No.: 1.066
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Kristina Radojević
Škola/Razred: I beogradska gimnazija III/5

Eeeee..... sto je to daleko..... Pa ako je 10 na foru iz zbirke onda sigurno prolazis ako uradis celu. E nego ovaj ko je raspolozen da vezba mozak preko leta neka mi se javi. Imam jedan zadatak koji ne mogu da resim vec tri dana biggrin.gif
(Ovaj stvarno ako ima neko mesto gde mogu da ga napisem recite.)

''Manifesta haud indigent probatione''
(Za ono sto je jasno dokazivanje nije potrebno) XD
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post Jul 28 2008, 09:01 PM
Post #32

Group: Članovi
Joined: 11-January 08
Member No.: 846
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: IV B

pa nemoj se prijemnim opterecivati na letnjem raspustu XD.gif .... imas punooo vremena ozbiljno wink.gif
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post Jul 28 2008, 09:04 PM
Post #33

Deus Ex Makina
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From: Beograd
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Škola/Razred: RAF

QUOTE(dadkristy94 @ Jul 28 2008, 09:53 PM)
Eeeee..... sto je to daleko..... Pa ako je 10 na foru iz zbirke onda sigurno prolazis ako uradis celu. E nego ovaj ko je raspolozen da vezba mozak preko leta neka mi se javi. Imam jedan zadatak koji ne mogu da resim vec tri dana biggrin.gif
(Ovaj stvarno ako ima neko mesto gde mogu da ga napisem recite.)

Samo napred: http://www.bozidarevic.com/mgforum/index.php?showforum=5 smile.gif

Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 29 2008, 01:09 PM
Post #34

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Ali zashto nije postavila? sad.gif
Ja se taman nadala XD.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 29 2008, 02:08 PM
Post #35

Group: Članovi
Joined: 11-January 08
Member No.: 846
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: IV B

drzi vas u neizvesnosti XD.gif ... sad vi cekate zadatak, a ona nista XD.gif .... bas pokvareno sa njene strane XD.gif XD.gif XD.gif lol.gif
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 29 2008, 02:12 PM
Post #36

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

XD.gif laugh.gif
Ma ja pokushavam da prevodim zadatke za prvi razred iz fizike, ali me ova ana karenjina nachisto pokopa, pa sam ochekivala razonodu, a ono nishta sad.gif XD.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 29 2008, 02:32 PM
Post #37

Group: Članovi
Joined: 11-January 08
Member No.: 846
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: IV B

a to citas za lektiru ili radi zabave XD.gif XD.gif XD.gif ?
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 30 2008, 07:46 AM
Post #38

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

QUOTE(maca @ Jul 29 2008, 03:32 PM)
a to citas za lektiru ili radi zabave XD.gif  XD.gif  XD.gif ?

Radi zabave? blink.gif wacko.gif Yeeeeaaaah right dry.gif . Bash mi samo to fali. Ja radi zabave chitam trilere i Danila Kisha, uzela sam sedam knjiga iz shkolske i dve iz gradske biblioteke da prochitam za vreme raspusta, aaaaaaliiiii... isprechila se ana karenjina. Trenutno sam na 565. strani, a ima ih 922 sad.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 30 2008, 09:26 AM
Post #39

Group: Članovi
Joined: 11-January 08
Member No.: 846
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: IV B

pa kada sam rekla radi zabave zezala sam wink.gif se, jer ja procitam samo obaveznu lektiru i to je to za celu godinu XD.gif . ja radi zabave ne citam knjige smile.gif , radim nesto drugo XD.gif
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 30 2008, 09:27 AM
Post #40

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Ali dobro je chitati knjige wink.gif. To shvatish tek kad pochnesh da chitash XD.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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