Recenzije Albuma..., vaša mišljenja
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Administratorski tim MG Foruma
Recenzije Albuma..., vaša mišljenja
Puzzler |
Apr 13 2007, 01:05 PM
Group: Članovi Joined: 2-July 06 Member No.: 74 Status: Van MGa Škola/Razred: MG/IIb (proud of it) |
Pošto forumu očigledno nešto ovih dana ne ide popularnost (uh, ta otrovna iskrenost...), ovakva tema bi možda bila zanimljiva! Ideja je ovakva: Svi često slušamo mp3 muziku, zar ne? I često preslušamo i nešto ne tako zanimljivo, iako su kritike albuma sjajne... Pa zašto ne bismo jedni drugima preporučili neki album za slušanje? Uopšteno, svako može da da kritiku nekog albuma, i kaže da li ga vredi poslušati. Uopšte to ne treba da bude neko novije izdanje (iako ću se ja najčešće takvim baviti )... Tu je pyost, on mi deluje kao super poznavalac muzike, pa Ljuba, Eli0t, Iva, Maxy itd. Svi sigurno imate neki muzički ukus, right? Pa izdvojte svojih 10-ak minuta da podelite sa nama mišljenje o nekom albumu... Još jedna pogodnost bi bila da za svaki album koji recenziramo, ponudimo i link, pa svako ko želi da presluša, može da se obrati preko PM-a. I naravno, komentari posle slušanja se podrazumevaju. Još jedna molba adminima... Za ovakav topic možda bi bio koristan ovakav smajli (za ocenjivanje ). Hvala! Pa da počnem... Nadam se da će neko nastaviti. -------------------- |
pyost |
Oct 10 2007, 10:52 AM
Deus Ex Makina Group: Administratori Joined: 25-January 06 From: Beograd Member No.: 2 Status: Bivši učenik MGa Škola/Razred: RAF |
Sledi jedan copy/paste, posto me mrzi da prevodim
Radiohead - "In Rainbows" Just ten days after the news about the new album coming out was published, we have it! The seventh Radiohead album, In Rainbows, previously known only as "LP7", is available for (free) download right this moment. Of course, I acquired it as soon as I woke up, and was given a masterpiece. Since I didn't listen too much to live versions of the songs, this experience was even better, so here's a textual representation of it. The opening track, 15 Step, is perfect for a 5.1 surround system which I chose to be the place where I listen the album first. The beat is the same as in the live version - strange and unique. You can easily hear the clapping closely following Thom Yorke singing melodically. Used to be alright / What happened / Did the cat get your tongue - definitely a good track to start the album we've been waiting for years. The second track, Bodysnatchers features a constantly played "dirty" guitar riff which fist the song perfectly. Probably the song which is closest to being pure alternative rock. I'd even say that it is a potential single, along with 15 Step. Nude. Such a sad song with a mellow atmosphere and great bass guitar support. Upon listening to it for the first time it resembled a typical MTVesque love song, but it's far from that when you listen to it as a whole. In my opinion, the next track, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, would have been better as a slow guitar-only song, in order to connect with the lyrics. Not as good as the other songs, but still great. All I Need reminds me of Climbing Up The Walls because of the bass notes, as well as the gloomy style. The latter is a bit better, though. Faust Arp, the best song on the album, if you ask me. Such a simple construction with the guitar and the violin (viola? whatever), pure brilliance. No song I could compare it with, since the amount of emotions it causes is unbelievable. After listening to Faust Arp, Reckoner came as quite a shock. I listened to the live version just two days ago and feel that the studio one has lost some of its rock. I would even go to say that the song is a bit boring, but it might grow on me, so I'll say nothing. Except that I love the bridge. House of Cards has never been my live favourite, but I have to say it has something that makes it really good. It might be the guitar rhythm, or the chords, or the echo, or something else. I guess I need a few more listens to figure this one out. Jigsaw Falling Into Place, another song with a great chords structure. Not much to say about it, except that it's great. Finally, the closing track - Videotape. I don't think they could have chosen a better song to deal with this job. It's the third best song on the album, after Faust Arp and 15 Steps. People say they prefer the live version, but to me this is one is much better. Suma sumarum, it is a great album, but not their best. I give it 8.5/10, because I believe they could have done more. But it's still going to get regular play (and even more during the following 10 days) on my computer. Especially 15 Step, Bodysnatchers, Faust Arp and Videotape. -------------------- Baby, it's a violent world.
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