Blizanci Tokio Hotela Poginuli!
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Administratorski tim MG Foruma
Blizanci Tokio Hotela Poginuli!
c1k4_ml3kc3 |
Feb 8 2008, 12:06 AM
Group: Članovi Joined: 31-January 07 From: 29.Stepen Jupitera Member No.: 419 Status: Van MGa |
Tokio Hotel's superstars and twin brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz are dead because of a tragical car accident on the german highways. Fans all over the world feel desperate for the loss of the talented superstars. -------------------- |
c1k4_ml3kc3 |
Feb 11 2008, 09:32 PM
Group: Članovi Joined: 31-January 07 From: 29.Stepen Jupitera Member No.: 419 Status: Van MGa |
Moj stav je sledeci. Nemacka SUX big time zato shto u njoj zive neki od najgorih ljudi na svetu.
Germany and EU to Legalise Paedophilia German Government Publication Promotes Incestuous Pedophilia as Healthy Sex Ed Micheal O'Brien, author on crisis of culture in West, says this "German state intervention in family life is a new level of auto-destruction" By John-Henry Westen QUOTE("Internet") BERLIN, July 30, 2007( - Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government's Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age. Two 40-page booklets entitled "Love, Body and Playing Doctor" by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA) are aimed at parents - the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age. "Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex," reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, "The child touches all parts of their father's body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same." Canadian author and public speaker Michael O'Brien who has written and spoken extensively about the crisis of culture in the West spoke to about the shocking and extremely disturbing phenomenon. It is, he said, "State-encouraged incest, which in most civilized societies is a crime." The development is, he suggests, a natural outcome of the rejection of the Judeo-Christian moral order. "The imposed social revolution that has swept the western world is moving to a new stage as it works out the logical consequences of its view of man's value," said O'Brien. "It is merely obeying its strictly materialist philosophy of man. If man is no more than a creature created for pleasure or power. If he is no more than a cell in the social organism, then no moral standards, no psychological truths, no spiritual truths can refute the 'will to power' and the 'will to pleasure'." The pamphlet advises parents to permit young children "unlimited masturbation" except where physical injury becomes apparent. It advises: "Children should learn that there is no such thing as shameful parts of the body. The body is a home, which you should be proud of." For ages 4-6, the booklet recommends teaching children the movements of copulation. Another product of the BZgA is a song book aimed at children of four and slightly older which includes several songs espousing masturbation. The song-book entitled "Nose, belly and bum" includes one song with the following lyrics: "When I touch my body, I discover what I have. I have a vagina, because I am a girl. Vagina is not only for peeing. When I touch it, I feel a pleasant tingle." "The wiser and deeper position of most civilizations recognized that children need a period of innocence," commented O'Brien. "Now the state, the German state, is encouraging destruction of this state of innocence," he added. "This is consistent with the materialist philosophy that sees all moral norms and all truths about human nature as repressive. Pleasure and their distorted concept of freedom are their only guiding principles." -------------------- |
Slovenatz |
Feb 13 2008, 07:44 PM
Group: Članovi Joined: 25-February 07 From: Šupak kosmosa Member No.: 454 Status: Učenik MGa Škola/Razred: MG-IIId |
QUOTE Moj stav je sledeci. Nemacka SUX big time zato shto u njoj zive neki od najgorih ljudi na svetu. ... [quote="Internet"] Izvini, da li to pise quote "Internet"???? A znamo da je sve na netu tacno... Anyway, ja imam jako pozitivna iskustva sa nemackom i austrijom, i ljudima koji zive tamo, posto moji imaju dosta prijatelja tamo. Edit: sjebalo mi se nesto sa quotom, mrzi me da ispravljam This post has been edited by pyost: Feb 13 2008, 07:51 PM -------------------- |