Opportunity To Study In The Usa
Dragi clanovi i posetioci foruma,
Mozda ce vam ova brojka zvucati neverovatno, ali Forum Matematicke gimnazije postoji vec vise 6 godina - od januara 2006. godine, ako zelimo da budemo precizni.
Sa vise od 1.000 clanova, 4.000 tema i 100.000 poruka predstavlja najvecu zajednicu orijentisanu ka Matematickoj gimnaziji i ucinio je nase srednjoskolske dane barem iole zanimljivijima. Ne samo da je bio mesto za visokointelektualne razgovore ucenika Matematicke gimnazije, vec i forum na koji smo dolazili da se druzimo sa ljudima iz cele Srbije, pa i regiona. Verujem da ne govorim samo u nase ime kada kazem da su ovde nastala mnoga poznanstva koja su se kasnije dalje razvijala u "pravom svetu".
Nazalost, ta idilicna vremena su sada iza nas. Tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina Internet u regionu je doziveo vrtoglav razvoj, i potreba za ovakvim forumima vise ne postoji. Pojavile su se socijalne mreze kao sto su Facebook i Twitter, i komunikacija je na mnogo visem nivou. Forum, iako pun korisnih informacija, vise ne sluzi svojoj prvobitnoj nameni.
Iz tog razloga, teska srca smo doneli odluku da Forum Matematicke gimnazije prestane sa radom. Od danas registracije na forumu nece biti moguce, ali ce sve poruke i dalje biti dostupne za pregled. Takodje, od prvog septembra forum vise nece biti dostupan na adresi mg-forum.net, ali ce se arhivi i dalje moci pristupiti preko adrese bozidarevic.com/mgforum . Takodje bismo zeleli da iskoristimo priliku i da uputimo sve bivse ucenike na Alumni Matematicke gimnazije - almagi.mg.edu.rs.
Hvala svima koji su ucestvovali u diskusijama i koji su pomogli da ovaj forum bude jedno prijatno mesto.
Administratorski tim MG Foruma
Opportunity To Study In The Usa
EducationUSA |
Nov 20 2007, 09:10 PM
Group: Članovi Joined: 20-November 07 Member No.: 762 Status: Van MGa |
International Academic Center
The International Academic Center in Belgrade, located at the new site in Majke Jevrosime 18/II in downtown Belgrade, is a part of the Education USA network of educational information centers, approved and supported by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Center, which provides accurate, unbiased information concerning accredited higher educational opportunities in the United States, serves communities throughout Serbia and Montenegro through the promotion of a full range of US higher education and international exchange opportunities in the United States. The International Academic Center is an approved ETS® Certified Test Administration Site for TOEFL® iBT and GMAT. The Center is open to the public and offers professionally staffed services Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. In addition the Center is also accessible via its interactive website by schedule and at all times through its forum in order to provide equal access to accurate, unbiased information concerning accredited higher educational opportunities in the United States. In addition, the Center holds seminars and workshops on educational topics and offers semnars in TOEFL, SAT, GRE, and GMAT test preparation. The Center has a fully-equipped resource library of printed and multi-media material, computers with internet, and staff to help students research educational opportunities. Questions and comments may be posted at our Forum. Call us at 334-5227. http://www.iacbg.org |