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> Eurosong 2008, - opsta diskusija -

Hannibal Lecter
post Jun 11 2008, 11:37 AM
Post #301

Group: Članovi
Joined: 15-October 06
From: People's Democratic Republic of Konjarnik
Member No.: 154
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Ime i prezime: Ilija Ivanišević
Škola/Razred: Fizički fakultet, B smer, I godina,

najjaci je onaj deo It will never be impossible...

narocito akcenat na impossible rolleyes.gif

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The truth will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

Svi me žele, a ja sam nedodirljiv!
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 16 2008, 12:49 PM
Post #302

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Izvini, ali pesma je vrrrrlo uteshna. Nemash pojma koliko mi je pomogla da ne zalepim dva shamara profesorki biosa

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 16 2008, 07:41 PM
Post #303

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Jul 16 2008, 01:49 PM)
Nemash pojma koliko mi je pomogla da ne zalepim dva shamara profesorki biosa

Metafora or not?

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 17 2008, 01:27 PM
Post #304

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

Nope biggrin.gif. Imala sam neverovatnu zhelju da joj STVARNO zalepim koji shamar

@edit: (Josh uvek imam)

This post has been edited by Devojka sa mesecom u očima: Jul 17 2008, 01:28 PM

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 17 2008, 09:48 PM
Post #305

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

Pa jesi li ili nisi?!

Aaaaaaaaaa.. sad tek vidim da piše "da NE zalepim".. ph34r.gif mea culpa.

This post has been edited by Iva: Jul 17 2008, 09:49 PM

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Jul 17 2008, 09:57 PM
Post #306

Group: Članovi
Joined: 25-February 07
From: Šupak kosmosa
Member No.: 454
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG-IIId

Blago vama, vasi profesori ne citaju ovaj forum sad.gif

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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 18 2008, 09:40 AM
Post #307

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

QUOTE(Iva @ Jul 17 2008, 10:48 PM)
Pa jesi li ili nisi?!

Aaaaaaaaaa.. sad tek vidim da piše "da NE zalepim".. ph34r.gif mea culpa.

Ma 'de bre... Da sam to uradila ubila bi Boga u meni. Unishtila bi mi sve shanse da budem 5.0. Inache to je mama drugog takmichara iz fizike u mojoj generaciji koji je osvojio po'valu (a ja sam bila maaaaalo bolja od njega XD.gif). Pogadjash razlog? Nije htela da me pita zadnjih mesec dana, a na kraju me je pitala neke gluposti koje nikad nisam chula i dala mi 3 dry.gif

QUOTE(Slovenatz @ Jul 17 2008, 10:57 PM)
Blago vama, vasi profesori ne citaju ovaj forum sad.gif

Eh... Da sam u MGu ne bih ni imala ovakvih problema sa profesorima sad.gif jer mi ne bi predavali seljaci.
(Zhena ne zna padezhe: "Ti si se prvo spremala za takmichenje, pa si bila na takmichenje, pa si doshla s takmichenje i ja te josh 2 nedelje (LAZH!!!!) posle takmichenje nisam pitala XD.gif )

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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The snorks
post Jul 18 2008, 10:20 AM
Post #308

Group: Članovi
Joined: 23-June 07
Member No.: 542
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: Matf / II

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Jul 18 2008, 10:40 AM)
Eh... Da sam u MGu ne bih ni imala ovakvih problema sa profesorima sad.gif jer mi ne bi predavali seljaci.
(Zhena ne zna padezhe: "Ti si se prvo spremala za takmichenje, pa si bila na takmichenje, pa si doshla s takmichenje i ja te josh 2 nedelje (LAZH!!!!) posle takmichenje nisam pitala  XD.gif )

A sto se ovoga tice ima i u mg-u seljaka od profesora samo mnogoooooooo manje nego u obicnim gimnazijama i ostalim srednjim skolama!Npr. svima nam draga profesorka engleskog (meni na srecu, bivsa biggrin.gif tongue.gif )

ahaha, sta , ona zna samo oblik takmicenje XD.gif lol.gif
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 18 2008, 12:09 PM
Post #309

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

QUOTE(The snorks @ Jul 18 2008, 11:20 AM)
A sto se ovoga tice ima i u mg-u seljaka od profesora samo mnogoooooooo manje nego u obicnim gimnazijama i ostalim srednjim skolama!Npr. svima nam draga profesorka engleskog (meni na srecu, bivsa biggrin.gif tongue.gif )

ahaha, sta , ona zna samo oblik takmicenje XD.gif  lol.gif

Ma ok je kad ne znaju padezhe ali su ono dobri prema nama, ali kad misle da je njihov predmet centar sveta i da su oni u centru centra sveta, onda bar nek nauche padezhe XD.gif

Ma da XD.gif. Nachisto se bila uzbudila dok je to prichala, chak se videlo kako bljuje vatru iz ushiju lol.gif .
Zhena je polovinu chasova provela ispitujuci me zashto se takmichim iz fizike, a ne iz biologije rolleyes.gif (pri tom se ni njen sin nije takmicheio iz biologije rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif )

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 18 2008, 12:17 PM
Post #310

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

A da se jednostavno pomiriš sa time da nisi bila baš spremna za taj čas i da nisi znala baš za 5? smile.gif

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 18 2008, 12:28 PM
Post #311

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

QUOTE(Iva @ Jul 18 2008, 01:17 PM)
A da se jednostavno pomiriš sa time da nisi bila baš spremna za taj čas i da nisi znala baš za 5? smile.gif

Pa da. Sve bi bilo ok ali ja nisam spavala celu noc pred taj chas. Uchila sam kao luda unsure.gif
A zashto se ne pomirimo da moja profesorka zheli da joj sin bude djak generacije i da joj ja stojim na putu? rolleyes.gif Pritom me iskreno zabole. Zna se odma' na pochetku ko ce biti. Onaj chiji su tatica i mamica u nekoj mocnoj stranci. Molim lepo. Tako je uvek bilo i tako ce i sad biti, a ja samo zhelim da me ne sputavaju da dobijem vukovu diplomu sleep.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 18 2008, 12:47 PM
Post #312

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

A koliko sam ja puta prošla tako? Učila celu noć, pa čak i 2, da ne bih dobila 5 jer nisam znala neku sitnicu?
******, kpod nekih profesora nije 5 dok nije PERFEKTNO (čitaj: tačan, potpun i opširan odgovor na SVAKO pitanje koje postavi coffee.gif).
Joj, šta se cimaš oko gluposti. Mislim, razumem te, i ja sam bila više u tom tripu u prvom razredu. A potom sam skontala; hej, bitno da sam odlična. Ako može iznad 4,6. I uživancija. Ja ću upisati faks koji želim sa tim ocenama, a zahvaljujući znanju koje imam mogu mnogo toga da postignem. I lepo mi je smile.gif.

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Jul 18 2008, 12:52 PM
Post #313

Group: Članovi
Joined: 25-February 07
From: Šupak kosmosa
Member No.: 454
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG-IIId

Pusti je da ovde siri mrznju prema toj nastavnici, vidis da joj prija.

@sb: tako je, samo napred!

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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 18 2008, 12:59 PM
Post #314

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

QUOTE(Slovenatz @ Jul 18 2008, 01:52 PM)
Pusti je da ovde siri mrznju prema toj nastavnici, vidis da joj prija.
@sb: tako je, samo napred!

lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif
Spasiba, brother Slovenatz XD.gif

QUOTE(Iva @ Jul 18 2008, 01:47 PM)
A koliko sam ja puta prošla tako? Učila celu noć, pa čak i 2, da ne bih dobila 5 jer nisam znala neku sitnicu?
J.ebiga, kpod nekih profesora nije 5 dok nije PERFEKTNO (čitaj: tačan, potpun i opširan odgovor na SVAKO pitanje koje postavi coffee.gif).
Joj, šta se cimaš oko gluposti. Mislim, razumem te, i ja sam bila više u tom tripu u prvom razredu. A potom sam skontala; hej, bitno da sam odlična. Ako može iznad 4,6. I uživancija. Ja ću upisati faks koji želim sa tim ocenama, a zahvaljujući znanju koje imam mogu mnogo toga da postignem. I lepo mi je smile.gif.

Ma ja nisam u tripu. Tvoj problem shto mislish ako je nekome stalo do ocena i takmichenja da je u tripu. Da smo nastavile da se dopisujemo sumnjam da bih sad bila i vrlo dobra, a to je daleeeeko ispod mog nivoa sleep.gif

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Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 18 2008, 01:04 PM
Post #315

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Jul 18 2008, 01:59 PM)
Ma ja nisam u tripu. Tvoj problem shto mislish ako je nekome stalo do ocena i takmichenja da je u tripu. Da smo nastavile da se dopisujemo sumnjam da bih sad bila i vrlo dobra, a to je daleeeeko ispod mog nivoa  sleep.gif

Odgovor u tvom stilu: lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

Ali moram da dodam i nešto u svom stilu:
Ne mogu da verujem da si zaista u stanju da sa 16 (čestitam once again biggrin.gif) godina kriviš nekog za svoju nesposobnost da imaš dobre ocene (edit: da si iznad 4,5) bez toga da ne ideš na MSN coffee.gif.

This post has been edited by Iva: Jul 18 2008, 01:05 PM

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 18 2008, 01:13 PM
Post #316

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

QUOTE(Iva @ Jul 18 2008, 02:04 PM)
Odgovor u tvom stilu: lol.gif  lol.gif  lol.gif

Ali moram da dodam i nešto u svom stilu:
Ne mogu da verujem da si zaista u stanju da sa 16 (čestitam once again biggrin.gif) godina kriviš nekog za svoju nesposobnost da imaš dobre ocene (edit: da si iznad 4,5) bez toga da ne ideš na MSN coffee.gif.

Ne krivim te. Nisam to rekla. Samo sam iznela chinjenichno stanje. Jednostavno ne morash da budesh ti u pitanju nego tvoj uticaj na mene

Na kraju (nisam hippy XD.gif ) all I want is peace. Pravimo svadju na dva topica ph34r.gif

user posted image
Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 18 2008, 01:36 PM
Post #317

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Jul 18 2008, 02:06 PM)
Na kraju (nisam hippy  XD.gif ) all I want is peace.

Zaista? XD.gif



When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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Devojka sa mesecom u očima
post Jul 18 2008, 01:41 PM
Post #318

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-August 07
From: in front of computer :D
Member No.: 608
Status: Van MGa
Škola/Razred: (jedina) gimnazija (u ovom gradu) II

QUOTE(Iva @ Jul 18 2008, 02:36 PM)

OMG! Peace with you!!!! Jel to toliko teshko da se shvati? unsure.gif
Shto se rata tiche niko ga ne zheli, samo postoje neke ne-fer stvari...

user posted image
Thank goodness there are people like you in the world! You are tolerant and conscious of others, and people are generally drawn to your kind open demeanor. You give help when it is needed and enjoy the happiness of others. Sometimes you may have bad days, but you try not to take it out on other people. Your goodness inspires people to be the same way, and you know that your friends will do the same things for you that you do for them.
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post Jul 18 2008, 01:54 PM
Post #319

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Jul 18 2008, 02:41 PM)
OMG! Peace with you!!!! Jel to toliko teshko da se shvati?  unsure.gif
Shto se rata tiche niko ga ne zheli, samo postoje neke ne-fer stvari...

I guess so..
Pa, ne znam baš da li ga niko ne želi. Ali ne da mi se sad.

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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The snorks
post Jul 18 2008, 02:34 PM
Post #320

Group: Članovi
Joined: 23-June 07
Member No.: 542
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: Matf / II

QUOTE(Devojka sa mesecom u očima @ Jul 18 2008, 01:09 PM)
Ma ok je kad ne znaju padezhe ali su ono dobri prema nama, ali kad misle da je njihov predmet centar sveta i da su oni u centru centra sveta, onda bar nek nauche padezhe  XD.gif


O, neeeeeeeee, lose si razumela engleskinja zna padeze i sve to super ali je zena rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif hmm,ogranicena...i to je isuvise blaga rec wink.gif
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