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> Top 10 Igara, Vaše omiljene igrice (i zbog čega)? :)

post Jan 1 2008, 09:19 PM
Post #81

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

^ U're back biggrin.gif biggrin.gif Me sho glad smile.gif

Enivej - Cezar III, Pharaoh i Zeus:Master of olympus (Praise the Sierra company lol biggrin.gif )

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post Jan 2 2008, 02:26 AM
Post #82

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-May 06
From: Zion
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QUOTE(c1k4_ml3kc3 @ Jan 1 2008, 10:19 PM)
^ U're back biggrin.gif biggrin.gif Me sho glad smile.gif


Are you talking to me? blink.gif

I'm not back. Svi halucinirate.


Mi znamo sta se desava sa ljudima koji zastanu nasred puta. Bivaju pregazeni.
Nista nije nemoguce. Za nemoguce je samo potrebno malo vise vremena.

I'm doing the best I ever did, I'm doing the best that I can.

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post Jan 2 2008, 04:09 AM
Post #83

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

Samo ti zezaj, bice ti zao posle smile.gif XD.gif

Enivej ne znam koja to igrica ima bolji storyline od legacy of Kain serijala...? Zahtevam prosvetljenje biggrin.gif

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post Jan 2 2008, 02:37 PM
Post #84

Group: Članovi
Joined: 5-November 07
From: Bg
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Po meni najbolju pricu od svih igara koje sam igrao ima Arcanum, ali nisam igrao npr. fallout koji su mnogi hvalili...

 (a,b) \sim (c,d) \Leftrightarrow (a - c) \in \mathbb{Z}  \wedge  (b - d) \in \mathbb{Z}

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post Jan 2 2008, 08:48 PM
Post #85

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

Dobro, to je vec subjektivno posmatranje.
BTW - priznajem da Final fantasy serijali imaju odlicne price koje daju mashti da radi neograniceno.
Ipak, serijal legacy of Kain je o vampirima, sadrzi faze intelektualnih razgovora (ne, ne mislim o formulama fizike i sl), sadrzi elemente goth gradjevina, sadrzi elemente magije ( ali ne ono tipa, bacam fireball), sadrzi ogromnu kolicinu reshavanja zagonetki kao i puzzle-a (a da nimalo nije za decu), prica se prozima kroz nekoliko milenijuma, kroz evoluciju vampira, ljudi, prastarog rata izmedju Serafana kao i Demona, radnja se odvija i oko tri timetwist perioda, gomila jurnjave...jednostavno, kada bi postojao film ili pak knjiga - to je poprilicno bogatstvo...

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post Jan 3 2008, 01:05 PM
Post #86

Grafički dizajner
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Jel' iko igrao "Siege of Avalon" smile.gif
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post Jan 3 2008, 01:19 PM
Post #87

Neko mudo

Group: Članovi
Joined: 28-January 06
From: MunZe
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Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Ime i prezime: Milos Vucenovic
Škola/Razred: Student ETFa

QUOTE(c1k4_ml3kc3 @ Jan 2 2008, 04:09 AM)
Samo ti zezaj, bice ti zao posle smile.gif XD.gif

Enivej ne znam koja to igrica ima bolji storyline od legacy of Kain serijala...? Zahtevam prosvetljenje biggrin.gif

Planescape: Torment wub.gif wub.gif

btw. evo moje liste

1.Baldur's Gate (I, II, expanzije)
2.Warcraft 3 i TFT
3.Starcraft i Brood War (prva igrica i jedina igrica koja mi je uvek na kompu, kao karte)
4.Planescape: Torment
5.(s)Morrowind sa expanzijama
6.Warhammer 40k sa expanzijama
7.Fallout 1i2
8.Heroji 3/4/5 (da, da volim i 4vorku IN YOUR FACE)
9.Star Wars KOTOR1i2

Igra osam ja Siege of Avalon. Dosta je bagovit i pretezak da se igra kao scout a ja sve rpg-ove igram kao thief/assasin/rogue/scout ph34r.gif ph34r.gif ph34r.gif

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post Jan 3 2008, 02:07 PM
Post #88

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

Da ti nisi neki Blizanac u horoskopu laugh.gif oni vole da su stealth i thief...XD.gif

Enivej, o cemu se radi u Planetscape?

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post Jan 3 2008, 03:03 PM
Post #89

Neko mudo

Group: Članovi
Joined: 28-January 06
From: MunZe
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Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Ime i prezime: Milos Vucenovic
Škola/Razred: Student ETFa

jok jarac..

Necu da spoilujem, mogu da ti dam da odigras smile.gif

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post Jan 3 2008, 03:45 PM
Post #90

Group: Članovi
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From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

Eto, vidite ljudi. nemoguce je oceniti nekoga po osnovi chistog tekstualno-delimicno gejmerski opredeljeno trte mrte... nevamind.

Nemam nameru da je igram, zato pitam tongue.gif biggrin.gif

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post Jan 3 2008, 04:01 PM
Post #91

Group: Članovi
Joined: 5-November 07
From: Bg
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Status: Bivši učenik MGa

Jel si igrao Heroes 3 wake of gods?

 (a,b) \sim (c,d) \Leftrightarrow (a - c) \in \mathbb{Z}  \wedge  (b - d) \in \mathbb{Z}

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post Jan 3 2008, 05:13 PM
Post #92

Neko mudo

Group: Članovi
Joined: 28-January 06
From: MunZe
Member No.: 3
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Ime i prezime: Milos Vucenovic
Škola/Razred: Student ETFa


Ti se budis u mrtvacnici bez memorije i sa urezanom porukom na ledjima da ako zaboravis sve potrazis svoj dnevnik i coveka po imenu Farod. Ustvari si besmrtnik koji kada je fatalno povredjen, pada u komu iz koje se ubrzo budi sa potpunom amnezijom. I onda polazis na quest da nadjes svoje ime (zoves se Nameless One) i izgubljenu memoriju. Usput saznas da si prethodnih desetak hiljada godina proveo baveci se raznim profesijama od obicnog lopova do coveka koji snagom volje oblikuje svet.. Kako usput sreces likove iz svoje proslosti ona ti se polako vraca (zajedno sa skillovma), i sreces svoje stare kompanjone koji te inace bas i ne gotive jer sa tobom zajedno putuju smrt, nesreca i agonija (torment).. Ispostavlja se da si ti u svom prvom zivotu cinio toliko zla da te citava vecnost dobrote ne bi oprala, zato se nas Nameless One u ocaju odlucio da izvrsi ritual besmrtnosti kako bi mogao stvarno da cini vecnost dobrih dela.. Ali ritual nije prosao najbolje pa sad ima vise inkarnacija Nameless One-a u istom trenutku.. Cilj ti je da zaustavis njih i da konacno umres..

Sve se to desava u plainescape svetu. Na pocetku si u gradu Sigil koji je kapija ka ostalim svetovima i drugim realnostima (plaines). Tako da posetis razna interesantna mesta i upoznas razne ishcasene likove (recimo sakuba (ne znam kako se to prevodi kod nas succubus) koja drzi bordel u kome umesto seksualnih usluga pruzaju intelektualne etc..)

sad sam samo nabacao razne stvari, ali veruj mi prica je puna obrta, napeta, duboka, i odlicno napisana (vecina igrice su dijalozi sa npc-evima i resavanje zagonetki..). Jedini RPG u kome su ti najvazniji stats-i wisdom, inteligence i charisma...

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post Jan 3 2008, 10:17 PM
Post #93

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

Nije lose, zapravo svidja mi se smile.gif Hvala ti na vremenu koje si odvojio, uzecu sutra igricu...
Inace - imam samo jednu zamerku (da se ne uzme na zlo) - smatram da lik nema svoj karakter, a u Legacy of Kain serijalima postoji taj neki shmek koji jednostavno navodi igricu da ima 100% pazhnje. Muzika je fascinantna i nekako creepy nadahnjujuca (sto meni licno odgovara)... Cuju su vrane, vidish par njih kako lete, iza svakog coshka te moze napasti vampir (dodushe, glupi su ali veoma jaki).
Po delovima
1.Blood Omen : Legacy of Kain (vodimo Kejna)
2. Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver (Vodimo Raziela)
3. Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 2 (Vodimo Raziela)
4. Blood Omen 2 (Vodimo Kejna)
5. Legacy of Kain : Defiance (Vodimo i Kejna, ali i Raziela)

Ova igrica ima delikatnu istoriju, delikatne epohe kako ljudi, tako i vampira, vladavine demona i TAKO DALJe. Toliko je kompleksno da ne bih znao odakle da pocnem obzirom da znam kraj...
Inace ovo je najbolji sajt za istoimeni serijal

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post Jan 4 2008, 12:34 AM
Post #94

Neko mudo

Group: Članovi
Joined: 28-January 06
From: MunZe
Member No.: 3
Status: Bivši učenik MGa
Ime i prezime: Milos Vucenovic
Škola/Razred: Student ETFa

Ja nikada nisam rekao da ne volim Legacy of Kain serijal. Doduse nisam presao blood omen 1 i defiance ali sve ostale jesam... Samo bas i ne volim 3rd person avanture. Laru sam igrao 5 minuta i smorio se..
Jedini 3rd person koji volim je Splinter Cell (opet thief/roque/scout covece, tek sad vidim da sam slucaj..)

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post Jan 4 2008, 11:12 AM
Post #95

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

Nema nishta loshe u tome shto stalno birash te neke stealth likove...
Ja konstantno uzimam mage u bilo kojoj igrici. Ponekad uzmem i shtemacha (mach, sekira) ali uglavnom mage...svidjaju mi se magijice.
Moj ortak obozava Laru Kroft, ali meni Soul Reaver nekako lezhi... Blood Omen 1 sam igrao davne 1997.godine, koliko se secam. Nikada se u zivotu nisam vishe prepao... (osim nakon filma "Oni")

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post Jan 6 2008, 01:32 AM
Post #96

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

Elder God:
-...Become my Soul Reaver...My Angel of Death

*And thus, Raziel's quest for vengeance begins... *

*Raziel learns about the Warp Gates*:

Elder God:
-These gates twist space, laying a path across great spans.

*When Raziel tries to activate the Warp Gate*:

Elder God:
-You must visit other gates before this portal will be opened to you.

*As Raziel is exiting the Warp Gate chamber he falters from weakness, leaning on a pillar to catch himself.*

Elder God:
-You are weak - you must feed.

-The old hunger has left me; I have no desire for blood

Elder God:
-You are changed. Your blood-thirst is replaced by a deeper need - you have become a devourer of souls.
To sustain your strength, you must hunt the lost spirits of the Underworld, and consume the souls of your enemies.

*Raziel comes to a chasm, apparently impassable*:

Elder God:
-Your wings, though ruined, are not without purpose. Take hold of them as you leap, and they will carry you across this chasm.

*Raziel spies a small pack of Sluagh from a safe distance; they are hunting and devouring the souls that Raziel needs to sustain his strength. His first encounter with spectral creatures*.

-What scabrous wretches are these?

Elder God:
-Sluagh, the scavengers of the Underworld. Their feral hunger has claimed countless souls - spirits who now shall never find their rest.

*Raziel encounters a material-plane portal for the first time*.

Elder God:
-These portals are your conduit between the spectral and material realms. With their aid, you may gather matter and will yourself to become manifest in the physical world.
This is taxing, however - your strength must first be fully restored.
You require no conduit to return to this plane - you may abandon your physical body at any time.

*After Raziel uses a material-plane portal for the first time*:

Elder God:
-Sustain your strength to prolong your manifestation in the physical world. If you fail to feed, or absorb too many wounds, this fragile matter will dissolve.

*The first time Raziel is thrown back to the pit of the Underworld*

Elder God:
-As my agent, you are beyond death, Raziel. Your enemies cannot destroy you.
If you grow too weak, however, you will always be drawn here, to recover.

*As soon as Raziel steps into the next hallway, he stops abruptly as he realizes there is water below him. He stands at the edge and looks down, as the Elder God instructs him*:

Elder God:
-You are young yet, Raziel - you still retain many of your vampiric weaknesses. Immersion in water, while not fatal, will dissolve your physical body, forcing your return to the spirit world.
Be aware that in the spectral realm, water has neither heft nor lift. It stands as thin as air.

*At the other end of the hall Raziel comes upon a door. If in spectral, the door is immovable*.

Elder God:
-Your efforts are futile, Raziel - such objects are but shadows in the spirit world.

*Raziel first sees the devolved vampires of this new Nosgoth*.

-What are these creatures?

Elder God:
-Do you not recognize them? They are the children of your brother, Dumah.

-That’s impossible - these foul, scuttling beasts could not be kin of our high blood.

Elder God:
-Do you suppose that time stood still for you, Raziel? Much has changed since you passed from the world of men.

*Raziel establishes the rules of combat*:

-I knew my opponents’ weaknesses, having suffered them myself. Physical wounds are fleeting - a vampire’s immortal flesh begins to close as soon as it is cleaved.
Vampires need only fear those wounds that impale, or inflame. Water scorches like acid, and fledglings are devastated by sunlight’s touch.
I would have to modify my tactics to suit my foes.

*When Raziel has dispatched his first vampire soul*:

Elder God:
-Unfettered from the flesh, a creature’s soul fades swiftly into the spectral realm. Draw it in quickly, Raziel, or you will be compelled to follow.

*After Raziel has destroyed the two vampires, he approaches a large stone block which, by its size, appears immovable*.

Elder God:
-Your physical prowess surpasses what you knew in life. Even massive obstacles can be moved effortlessly.

*As Raziel enters the coutryard from the tunnel he stops, dumbstruck*:

-My God... !!!
The Sanctuary of the Clans, reduced to ruin...?
Beyond these walls lay the Pillars of Nosgoth, the seat of Kain’s empire. How humble it now appeared, collapsing into the dust of its former magnificence. And yet I had only just emerged... In the instant between my execution and resurrection, centuries had apparently passed...

*The ground shakes violently; Raziel is nearly knocked off his feet*.

Elder God:
-This world is wracked with cataclysms - the earth strains to shrug off the pestilence of Kain’s parasitic empire.
The fate of this world was preordained in an instant, by a solitary man. Unwilling to martyr himself to restore Nosgoth’s balance, Kain condemned the world to the decay you see. In that moment, the unraveling began... now it is nearly played out. Nosgoth teeters on the brink of collapse - its fragile balance cannot hold.

*Raziel pulls uselessly at the large metals doors of the Sanctuary, which are impassably sealed. He stops and scans the building’s facade for a possible breach*.

-The doors of the Sanctuary were immovable, either barred from the inside or rusted shut. I would need to find another means of entry.

*Raziel walks onto the main platform and to the edge, then peers down into the Vortex below*.
-This, at least, had remained constant. The endlessly swirling vortex of the abyss. My tomb, and the womb of my rebirth.

*He rises, surveying his surroundings*.

-Though much of Nosgoth’s landscape had changed, these cliffs gave me my bearings. My clan territory was to the west - I was anxious to see how my descendants had fared during the centuries of my absence.

*Raziel discovers that his clan has apparently been wiped out - the city that they once occupied is desolate, clearly abandoned for centuries...*

-Utter desolation. My once-proud kin, wiped from this world like excrement from a boot.
I knew the hand that wrought this deed...

*Exploring the western ruins of his clan territory, he spies a band of creatures that he has not yet encountered. He watches from a safe perch. They murder a human villager, and perch over their fresh kill, gnawing on it. *

-I didn’t recognize these flayed wracks of flesh. Their scent was vampiric, but they gnawed upon their victim’s carcass like dogs.
*Raziel receives the following clue/advice*:

Elder God:
-Beyond the ruins of your former stronghold, and above the gardens of the dead, your brother Melchiah waits...

*Seeing the ransacked graves and crypts, Raziel realizes that the Melchahim have robbed the graves of the Necropolis to recruit new vampires.
After encountering the decayed, ghoulish Melchahim, and after having recognized Melchiah’s clan symbols scrawled throughout the Necropolis, Raziel realizes that these zombie-like creatures are actually the children of his former brother, Melchiah. *

-This charnel house bore the unmistakable marks of Melchiah’s clan. To what depths had our dynasty plummeted, if these ghouls were the descendants of my high-born brother? Were they so debased as to recruit fledglings from the desiccated corpses here interred?

*Raziel comes upon an engraving of Melchiah in his near-human form. This is a towering, heroic monument - contrasted with the scuttling, devolved Melchahim just beyond the next gate*.

-My brother, Melchiah, was made last, and therefore received the poorest portion of Kain’s gift. Although immortal, his soul could not sustain the flesh, which retained much of its previous human frailty. This weakness, it seemed, was passed on to his offspring. Their fragile skins barely contained the underlying decay.

-Show yourself, creature!

-Do you not recognize me, brother? Am I so changed?

-Yesss, brother.
You should have stayed where the master sent you, Raziel. You will find Nosgoth less pleasant than you remember.

-What has become of my clan? Answer me, little brother, or I will beat an answer from your horrid lips.

-Everyone is afraid, sibling. You awake to a world of fear. These times of change are so... unsettling.
Do you think I feel no revulsion for this form? Do you believe for a moment that our Lord would risk his empire upon an upstart inheritance?

-Enough riddles - what are you saying?!

-You are the last... to die...

*Before Raziel kills the Melchiah with unusual device which stands on the top of the cave* :

-Tell me, Melchiah - where can I find Kain?

-The master is beyond your reach, Raziel.
He makes himself known when He sees fit - not when commanded.

*Raziel pulls the switch of the device to kill the Melchiah*:

(Dies in agony...)
-I am released...

*The impact of devouring Melchiah’s soul knocks Raziel to his knees. He’s exhausted; sparks of energy flicker over his body*.

Elder God:
-You have done well, Raziel.

-Am I reduced to this? A ghoul? A fratricide?

Elder God:
-Elevated, Raziel, not reduced. Consuming Melchiah’s soul has endowed you with a new gift.

*referring to the iron bars that block Raziel’s exit* :

Insubstantial barriers such as these are no impediment to you in the spectral realm. Will yourself to pass through, and you shall.

*As Raziel exits the Necropolis*:

Elder God:
-With Melchiah’s gift, your way is opened. Return to the seat of Kain’s ill-omened empire - its sterile silence has secrets yet to unveil.


Elder God:
Return to the Sanctuary of the Clans, Raziel. Melchiah’s soul has endowed you with the means to gain entry.
Beware, however - this hollow derelict is abandoned, but not uninhabited...

*Raziel stumbles upon his first encounter with Kain inside the now dilapidated and abandoned Pillars; he does not know that Kain will be waiting for him there. As Raziel enters the room, Kain is leaning casually on his former throne, the Soul Reaver strapped to his back. He has clearly been waiting for Raziel... *



-The abyss has been unkind.

*Kain rises and begins to approach Raziel with a smile on his face, casually but menacingly.*

-I am your creation, Kain - now, as before. You criticize your own work.
What have you done with my clan, degenerate? You have no right--

-What I have made, I can also destroy, child.

-Damn you, Kain!!! You are not God! This act of genocide is unconscionable!

-Conscience...? You dare speak to me of conscience? Only when you have felt the full gravity of choice should you dare to question my judgment!
Your life’s span is a flicker compared to the mass of doubt and regret that I have borne since Mortanius first turned me from the light... To know that the fate of the world hangs dependent on the advisedness of my every deed -- can you even begin to conceive what action you would take, in my position?

-I would choose integrity, Kain.

(short laugh)
-Look around you, Raziel - see what has become of our empire. Witness the end of an age. The clans, scattered to the corners of Nosgoth...
This place has outlasted its usefulness -- as have you.

*As Kain utters this last line, he draws the Soul Reaver from its scabbard; its energy leaps to life.*

-The Soul Reaver, Kain’s ancient blade - older than any of us, and a thousand times more deadly.
The legends claimed that the blade was possessed, and thrived by devouring the souls of its victims.
For all our bravado, we knew what it meant when Kain drew the Soul Reaver in anger - it meant you were dead.

*Kain strikes Raziel with Soul Reaver and the combat ends when the Soul Reaver is destroyed* -

-The blade is vanquished. So it unfolds... and we are a step closer to our destinies.
*Kain disappeared*

*When Raziel drops back into spectral, he discovers that the Soul Reaver - now a wraith blade - is hovering there.*

-I swore I saw a glint of satisfaction in Kain’s eye when the Soul Reaver was destroyed. I did not understand the game that Kain was playing. But I knew the finishing move.

*Raziel reaches out and grasps the sword. The blade flares to life, its energy melding with Raziel’s.*

Elder God:
-From this moment and ever afterward, you and this blade are inextricably bound. Soul Reaver and reaver of souls, your destinies are intertwined.
By destroying the sword, you have liberated it from its corporeal prison, and restored it to its true form - a wraith blade, its energy unbound. No longer a physical blade, it can only manifest itself in the material realm when your strength is fully restored. Once manifest, it will sustain you.

*After Raziel grasps the sword, a spirit appears, drifting toward him from behind the Pillars.*

-What are you, little soul? Another of Kain’s creatures, come to taunt this bound spectre?
-I did not intend to disturb your rest.

-Rest...? A body is needed for sleep... Flesh and bones are required to recline. No, child, all I may do is watch, and remember, ceaselessly conscious as this wretched world’s history unfurls. Ghastly past, insufferable future, are they one and the same...? Am I always here?

-How have you come to haunt these Pillars?

-Kain refused the sacrifice. The Pillar of Balance, corrupted to its core, stands as a monument to his blind ambition.
Now these pillars serve only to bind me here -- my prison and eternal home, thanks to the avarice of your master, Kain...

-That bastard can claim no allegiance from me.

-Then we share a common foe, Raziel. Return here when you have need. Ariel remembers what others have forgotten...

*As Raziel exits the Sanctuary of the Clans, the Elder God offers the following guidance*:

Elder God:
-Your brother Zephon’s keep lies far to the east, beyond the ruins that greeted your first exit from the Underworld.
He and his brood have cocooned themselves in a derelict cathedral, having murdered its human guardians.
Seek out Zephon’s lair, Raziel... beyond the ruins that greet your exit from the Underworld. Armed with the Soul Reaver, you may gain entry where your path was previously blocked.

-Far in the eastern mountains, a stifled titan stands in mute surrender - unwilling host to a parasitic swarm.

*Raziel travels to the Great Cathedral*

-Once a testament to mankind’s defiance of Kain’s empire, this towering cathedral now stood derelict, the humans who worshiped here, centuries dead. Its architects conceived this tower as a holy weapon against the vampire menace, a colossal instrument of brass and stone. The cathedral’s pipes, once tuned to blast a deadly hymn, now stood silent, and these vacant spaces whistled their impotence.
*Raziel kills the spider-like creatures and gains his entrance to the Top of the Cathedral complex. He finds the lair of his brother, Zephon - who looks like a giant spider-ant creature*

-The prodigal son...
There is no returning for you, Raziel.
-Zephon, your visage becomes you. It’s an appropriate reflection of your soul...

-...and you are not His handsome Raziel anymore. His precious first-born son, turned betrayer.
You have missed so many changes, little Raziel. Look around you. See how the humans’ weapon of destruction has become my home... Indeed, my body. A cocoon of brick and granite from which to watch a pupating world...

-A crevice in which to cower, only scuttling from the shadows to devour a victim already ensnared in your cowardly trap. But you’ve made the mistake of leaving me unbound, and it is you who must succumb to my will.

-Will... instinct... reflex action... the insect mind finds little difference.
I warn you, brother - as my stature has grown, so it is matched by my appetite.
Step forward, morsel...

*Raziel takes an egg from Zephon and inflame it with fire from an dead fire thrower man. He sends it in the direction of the Zephon and kills him*
*Zephon dies in agony*

Elder God:
-Consuming Zephon’s apostate soul has bestowed on you a new gift. Like his vampire spawn, you are able to scale certain walls which are otherwise impassable - but only in the physical realm. In the spirit world, these insubstantial edifices will not support you.

*While Raziel is Exiting Zephon's chamber*:

Elder God:
-In the mountains beyond the Pillars, Nosgoth’s cataclysms have exposed an ancient crime. Endowed with Zephon’s soul, you may now progress where your path was hitherto impeded.
The canyons beyond the Pillars expose an ancient blasphemy. Having devoured Zephon’s soul, you may now gain entrance where your path was formerly blocked.

-Like a corpse in a shallow grave, corruption rises to the surface... Beyond these Pillars, the defiled victim mutely screams its outrage...

-The ancient tomb of the Sarafan, once impenetrably sealed... Now, ravaged by Nosgoth’s upheavals, its mysteries lay exposed.
In the time of Vorador, centuries before Kain was made, the Sarafan warrior priests waged a merciless war against the vampire tribes of Nosgoth. Emboldened by righteousness, they committed unspeakable and indiscriminate acts of violence - massacring fledglings and ancients alike, they decimated entire bloodlines in mere decades. Now their husks lay here - murderers enshrined.

*As Raziel steps into the ancient hallway leading to the Sarafan tomb, the Elder God warns:*

Elder God:
-Take heed, Raziel. A forgotten history lies within. Know thyself - though it may destroy you...
*Having discovered a twisting passageway, Raziel makes his way into the depths of the tomb. The passage apparently dead-ends, blocked by a massive stone that seals the tomb. The stone is no impediment to Raziel, and he easily pulls it free.*

-As I pulled the stone free, a sigh of sepulchral air escaped the inner chamber.
I was not prepared for what lay beyond this threshold...
These crypts... defiled caskets of Sarafan saints... bearing my brothers’ names... And my own...
The irony of Kain’s blasphemous act rushed in on me with the crushing force of revelation...
Were my hands not as bloody as these? Worse, I had spilled the blood of my brothers - these very comrades whose tombs lay ravaged before me.

Elder God:
-Yes, Raziel - you were Sarafan... born of the same force that all but destroyed your race. Before the dawn of the Empire, you were chosen.
Kain -- Nosgoth’s solitary, self-declared monarch -- plundered this tomb and raised you from these crypts. Breathing his vampiric gift into your defiled corpses, he resurrected you as his favored sons.


This post has been edited by c1k4_ml3kc3: Jan 6 2008, 01:39 AM

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post Jan 6 2008, 09:46 AM
Post #97

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mislim da je ovo jedan od najduzih postova na forumu smile.gif
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post Jan 8 2008, 08:27 PM
Post #98

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da li ima neko da igra tycoon igre?
jel ima neka nova, dobra igra tog zanra?
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post Jan 8 2008, 11:13 PM
Post #99

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Jel' to nesto u smislu izgradnje? Igrao sam jedino LunaPark Tycoon ali moguce je da Maxis kompanija drzi takve igrice u najvecem broju. Proveri njihov sajt, moja najbolja preporuka. smile.gif

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post Jan 8 2008, 11:30 PM
Post #100

Neko mudo

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Sto sam ja antitalentovan za Tycoon-like igre.. Propadnem i pre nego sto pocnem.. KOliko ja znam nista novo nije izaslo (ako ne racunas novi SimCity koji jekako cujem sranj)

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