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> Metal/rock, Guitar Will Cry!!!

post Aug 28 2008, 04:14 PM
Post #121

Group: Članovi
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Priblizava se!

Nakon 5 godina cekanja i veceg broja odlaganja cini se da ce 9. studio album Metallice, "Death Magnetic", konacno izaci.
It is scheduled for release on September 12, 2008 by Warner Bros. Records.

Na sajtu se mogu odslusati dve pesme sa jos neobjavljenog albuma:

The Day That Never Comes

My Apocalypse

Nadam se da ce nakon ovoliko iscekivanja i odlaganja Death Magnetic nadmasiti St. Anger koji je u poredjenju sa MoP i RtL svakako bio razocaranje.

"It's a known fact... math is the spawn of satan. Algebra? SATANIC! Pre-cal? SATANIC! Calculus? SATANIC! it is all horrible!"
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post Aug 28 2008, 06:54 PM
Post #122

Group: Članovi
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From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
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That Was Just Your Life
The End Of The Line
Broken, Beat & Scarred
The Day That Never Comes
All Nightmare Long
The Unforgiven III (instrumental)
The Judas Kiss
Suicide & Redemption
My Apocalypse

After abandoning the art of shredding entirely in favour of wet guitars and a drumkit made of dustbins on St Anger, we’re proud to report that Kirk Hammett’s trademark greased-lightning solos are firmly back in place. Hooray!

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post Aug 28 2008, 07:56 PM
Post #123

Group: Članovi
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Nisam znao da je The Unforgiven III instrumental. Pa to ce se svesti na isti pocetak kao u prva dva dela i onda nesto random. XD.gif

"It's a known fact... math is the spawn of satan. Algebra? SATANIC! Pre-cal? SATANIC! Calculus? SATANIC! it is all horrible!"
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post Aug 28 2008, 09:28 PM
Post #124

Group: Članovi
Joined: 25-February 07
From: Šupak kosmosa
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QUOTE(Wolfbrother @ Aug 28 2008, 08:56 PM)
Nisam znao da je The Unforgiven III instrumental. Pa to ce se svesti na isti pocetak kao u prva dva dela i onda nesto random. XD.gif

Unforgiven: The Series

koliko ce da ih naprave?

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post Aug 28 2008, 09:50 PM
Post #125

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-February 07
From: Cambridge, UK
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Ime i prezime: Nikola Mrksic
Škola/Razred: Trinity College, Cambridge 2014

Ma da budemo srecni ako ne batale gitare uopste, to plasi decu na MTV-u.

All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost.
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I've gone beyond the truth... It's just another lie.
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post Aug 29 2008, 06:59 PM
Post #126

Group: Članovi
Joined: 25-February 07
From: Šupak kosmosa
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Škola/Razred: MG-IIId

Ja sam video kako snoop dog ili kako se vec zove radi cover neke njihove pesme... u svakom slucaju dok je on vrsio neprirodni blud na njihovoj pesmi oni su se zadavoljno smeskali za kamere mtv-a. tuzno sad.gif

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post Aug 29 2008, 08:24 PM
Post #127

Group: Članovi
Joined: 3-February 07
From: Cambridge, UK
Member No.: 424
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Nikola Mrksic
Škola/Razred: Trinity College, Cambridge 2014

lol cek da nadjem nesto mnogo smesno kad vec rece snoop dog biggrin.gif

Isao sam fast repy, copiraj ovo biggrin.gif


All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost.
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I've gone beyond the truth... It's just another lie.
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post Aug 29 2008, 09:14 PM
Post #128

Group: Članovi
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From: Šupak kosmosa
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date rape ftw

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post Aug 30 2008, 02:57 PM
Post #129

Group: Članovi
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From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
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Нисам НИКАД готивио нешто посебно Металику изузев пар песама које су ми се допале дојајчано (Creeping Death - по мени, њихова најбоља песма када се у обзир узима све оно што представља умеће свирања, склад инструмената уз такт, ритам итд)

Када је реч о Анфоргивен, мислим да су се одлучили за инструментал обзиром да је све већ ''речено'' у ранијим деловима...сада је само Go with the flow фазон, колико схватам...

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post Aug 30 2008, 03:05 PM
Post #130

Group: Članovi
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Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

Od Metallice favorite mi je Hero of the Day smile.gif

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Aug 30 2008, 03:16 PM
Post #131

Group: Članovi
Joined: 26-December 07
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Status: Bivši učenik MGa

Moji favoriti of Metallice su:

Fade To Black
Master Of Puppets
Welcome Home(Sanitarium)

A omiljeni album mi je Ride The Lightning. biggrin.gif

"It's a known fact... math is the spawn of satan. Algebra? SATANIC! Pre-cal? SATANIC! Calculus? SATANIC! it is all horrible!"
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post Aug 30 2008, 03:25 PM
Post #132

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

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XD.gif smile.gif
Lolz lol.gif

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post Aug 31 2008, 07:13 PM
Post #133

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-August 08
Member No.: 1.088
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Nikola Nikitovic
Škola/Razred: zemunska gimnazija

Metallica je trebala da batali pravljenje novih pesama i da prekine da svira posle black albuma realno...
load/reload sranja su toliko ochajna i tezhe ka mainstreamu da mi je gadnoi da ih slusham...
a da ne pominjem st. anger....
jednostavno su istroshili tu svoju kreativnost i onda pustili bob rock-a da im pishe pesme...
realno napisalu su preko 20 legendarnih pesama... cheers.gif
onda treba znati da se sidje sa bine...

A ne dao boog da chujem novi album...
samo ce josh nizhe da padnu tu...
ali izgleda da su uveli solazhe opet fala bogu...
za razliku od st. anger-a...koji je bob rock napisao... wacko.gif

I nemojte me shvatite pogresho....
Metallica mi je jedan od omiljenih bendova...
Obozhavam sve pesme sa prva 4 albuma i poneku sa 5og...
ali jednostavno su mi se sad zgadili...
james ne mozhe vishe ni da pewa...
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post Aug 31 2008, 07:32 PM
Post #134

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Ja bih bas voleo da procuri neki demo, da nanjusim kakav ce biti album smile.gif

Yo!hambina, Yo!hambin
Yo-yo, yo-yo, yo
Yo!hambina, Yo!hambiiina
(Mala matura deca kokaina®
Velika matura deca Yo!hambina)
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post Aug 31 2008, 08:11 PM
Post #135

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-August 08
Member No.: 1.088
Status: Van MGa
Ime i prezime: Nikola Nikitovic
Škola/Razred: zemunska gimnazija

imash na youtubu...
2 nove pesme live....
samo ukucaj metallica new song...
mrzi me sad da trazhim...
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post Aug 31 2008, 09:36 PM
Post #136

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Hvala smile.gif))

Yo!hambina, Yo!hambin
Yo-yo, yo-yo, yo
Yo!hambina, Yo!hambiiina
(Mala matura deca kokaina®
Velika matura deca Yo!hambina)
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post Sep 11 2008, 03:03 PM
Post #137

Group: Članovi
Joined: 31-January 07
From: 29.Stepen Jupitera
Member No.: 419
Status: Van MGa

Од бенда Iron Maiden најтоплије препоручујем
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- Fear of The Dark (По многим критичарима музике, једна од десет најбољих песама на свету)
- Rainmaker (лично, не може да ми досади)
- WrathChild
- Paschendale
- New Frontier
- Aces High (There goes the Siren that warns of the Air Raid, there comes the sound of the guns sending flak smile.gif www.airserbia.com су одрадили фамозан видео-спот о авионима Spitfire ...одлично је!)
- The Trooper
- Number of the Beast
Они представљају иконе када је реч о Hеavy Metal музици, одмах поред Judas Priest и Helloween... wink.gif

Иначе, ово је један од најбољих бендова икад!
Енергичност њихових песама је изузетна!

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post Sep 13 2008, 11:10 AM
Post #138

Group: Članovi
Joined: 26-December 07
Member No.: 825
Status: Bivši učenik MGa

Ma Hallowed Be Thy Name je zakon za sve biggrin.gif

"It's a known fact... math is the spawn of satan. Algebra? SATANIC! Pre-cal? SATANIC! Calculus? SATANIC! it is all horrible!"
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post Sep 13 2008, 11:49 AM
Post #139

Group: Članovi
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Status: Van MGa

QUOTE(c1k4_ml3kc3 @ Sep 11 2008, 04:03 PM)
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Ovo je cool!

Btw novi Metallicin album.. Blah, niasm baš lover of trash, draža mi je old Metallica.

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Sep 13 2008, 01:18 PM
Post #140

Group: Članovi
Joined: 25-February 07
From: Šupak kosmosa
Member No.: 454
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG-IIId

St. Anger ima ok pesama na sebi, mrzi me da nabrajam. Ali ne ocekujem previse od novog albuma.

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