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> Loše Ocene..., šta reći...

post Nov 8 2006, 04:28 PM
Post #101

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

Ne.. nisam mislila na to.. to ti je opomena koja se daje u retkim slucajevima ako je ucenik do tada pokazivao izvanredne rezultate u radu, a onda odjednom naglo popustio.. uostalom, ovo je looda skola.. mislim.. nije bas to kao MG wink.gif laugh.gif sad.gif

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Nov 8 2006, 10:13 PM
Post #102


Group: Članovi
Joined: 21-February 06
Member No.: 23
Status: Učenik MGa

SID nema ni jednu 4... XD.gif
bar nije imala u 1. god excl.gif thinking.gif

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post Nov 8 2006, 10:29 PM
Post #103

Group: Članovi
Joined: 19-April 06
Member No.: 54
Status: Učenik MGa

Tacno je da nisam imala nijednu zakljucenu 4 na kraju 1. godine.
A sad obavestenje za lose informisanog MrGood-a, u prvoj godini sam dobila 3 iz fizike na pismenom i 2 na pismenom iz geometrije.

Samo da se zna. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

The ultimate goal lies neither in victory nor in defeat.
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post Nov 9 2006, 07:55 AM
Post #104

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

To ne znaci da je imala sve petice, moze znaciti i da je imala sve ispod 3 XD.gif laugh.gif (salim se...!)

Ja imam 4 i 4 iz informatike sad.gif

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Nov 9 2006, 11:33 AM
Post #105

Deus Ex Makina
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Group: Administratori
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From: Beograd
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A ja 5 i 5 laugh.gif

Baby, it's a violent world.

Registrovani korisnik Linuxa broj 460770 [Ubuntu 7.10]
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post Nov 9 2006, 03:08 PM
Post #106

Group: Članovi
Joined: 27-July 06
Member No.: 76
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG

Ja sam na pismenom iz analize sada dobila 5 sa svih 100 poena!!!!! tongue.gif tongue.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif smile.gif XD.gif
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post Nov 9 2006, 04:19 PM
Post #107

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

Lako je vama iz informatike kad ne radite gluposti kao mi... uvek napravim neke banalne greske sad.gif ali dobro.. bice bolje.. kad tad XD.gif

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Nov 9 2006, 06:25 PM
Post #108

Njeno Ljubičanstvo

Group: Članovi
Joined: 7-September 06
Member No.: 92
Status: Bivši učenik MGa

a kod nas na informatici.. pa nista ne naucis.. znaces samo ako si isao ili ides u neku skolu informatike.. pa znas o cemu prica.. a ako prvi put programiras.. ne valja.. XD.gif

This post has been edited by Spužva: Nov 9 2006, 06:25 PM

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post Nov 14 2006, 03:41 PM
Post #109


Group: Članovi
Joined: 21-February 06
Member No.: 23
Status: Učenik MGa

QUOTE(Iva @ Nov 9 2006, 04:19 PM)
Lako je vama iz informatike kad ne radite gluposti kao mi... uvek napravim neke banalne greske sad.gif ali dobro.. bice bolje.. kad tad XD.gif

da, wama je skroz za*ebano! posebno taj "copy paste", on me je uwek bunio tongue.gif

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post Nov 14 2006, 07:43 PM
Post #110

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

M'da....... i kaze se "COPI-PASTE" (citiram profesora... XD.gif)
A jel' znas da deaktiviras trecu liniju u Maj Kompjuteru? XD.gif E, vidis, ja nisam imala pojma sta to znaci (snadjoh se prekasno pa dobih 4 XD.gif)

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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+Quote Post
post Nov 14 2006, 10:19 PM
Post #111

Group: Članovi
Joined: 9-November 06
From: Leskovac
Member No.: 182
Ime i prezime: Vladimir Stoiljković
Škola/Razred: Gimnazija/II-6

Kod mene, u Leskovcu, ocene su šarene, ali su sve 4 ili 5 smile.gif

Psihologija - 4
Matematika - 5
Srpski - 4
Geografija - 5
Informatika - 5
Nemački - 5
Engleski - 5
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post Nov 20 2006, 06:04 PM
Post #112

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

Eh... dobila sam danas tri petice laugh.gif

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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+Quote Post
post Nov 21 2006, 02:39 PM
Post #113

Group: Članovi
Joined: 27-July 06
Member No.: 76
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG

Eh... dobila sam danas tri petice


Salim se... biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
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post Nov 21 2006, 02:58 PM
Post #114

Njeno Ljubičanstvo

Group: Članovi
Joined: 7-September 06
Member No.: 92
Status: Bivši učenik MGa

kako vam je prosla istorija?
ja sam dobila 5! biggrin.gif..

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post Nov 21 2006, 04:19 PM
Post #115

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

Da, ko mi kaze laugh.gif biggrin.gif

Smorih se da pisem po forumu..

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Nov 22 2006, 04:46 PM
Post #116

Group: Članovi
Joined: 20-May 06
Member No.: 63

Ja sam dobio 1 iz istorije------->i popravio i dobio 4.
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post Nov 22 2006, 06:02 PM
Post #117

Group: Članovi
Joined: 27-July 06
Member No.: 76
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG

Na ovom drugom kontrolnom si dobio 1? sad.gif
Joj mi u petak imamo kontrolni iz analize (funkcije, relacije, operacije)....Imam osecaj da ce da da tezak kontrolni... sad.gif
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post Nov 22 2006, 06:23 PM
Post #118

Group: Članovi
Joined: 30-June 06
Member No.: 71
Status: Van MGa

Mi smo imali pismeni zadatak iz mateka iz toga, mislim da sam dobro uradila.

When life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatibility issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market.
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post Nov 22 2006, 06:26 PM
Post #119

Group: Članovi
Joined: 27-July 06
Member No.: 76
Status: Učenik MGa
Škola/Razred: MG

Da, ali mislim da ce nama (za razliku od Ib) zadaci biti uzasno teski... sad.gif
Nadam se da gresim...
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post Nov 22 2006, 10:37 PM
Post #120

Njeno Ljubičanstvo

Group: Članovi
Joined: 7-September 06
Member No.: 92
Status: Bivši učenik MGa

ajde donesi sutra u skolu zadatke.. smile.gif

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